曾子贤,博士,教授,四川省“天府峨眉计划”入选者,四川省特聘专家,科技部科技特派员,四川省生物信息学会智慧农业分会会长。美国威斯康星大学植物育种与植物遗传学专业博士,美国威斯康星大学园艺系及美国密歇根州立大学植物系博士后,在Genome Biology,Plant Journal等国内外权威期刊上发表文章30余篇,总引用超1000次。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,国家重点研发计划项目子课题1项,四川省科技厅项目2项;目前主要从事马铃薯结薯及淀粉代谢的分子机制和遗传改良、胁迫下表观基因组学及生物信息学等方面的研究。
· 马铃薯、青稞全基因组顺式调控元件功能及调控机制
· 马铃薯结薯光温调控机制及遗传改良
· 马铃薯淀粉代谢调控机制及遗传改良
· 青稞抗倒伏分子机制及改良
· 国家重点研发计划项目子课题1项;
· 国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目共4项;
· 四川省科技厅国际合作(重点)项目3项;
· 四川省重点研发项目“十四五育种攻关”子课题1项;
· 国家重点实验室合作项目3项;
· 国家教育部重点项目合作项目2项;
· 四川省重点实验室合作项目2项;
· 四川省科技创新(苗子工程)培育项目3项;
Wang, H., C. Yin, G. Zhang, M. Yang, B. Zhu, J. Jiang and Z. Zeng (2024) Cold-induced deposition of bivalent H3K4me3-H3K27me3 modification and nucleosome depletion in Arabidopsis. Plant J, https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.16624.
Zhu, X., A. Chen, N. M. Butler, Z. Zeng, H. Xin, L. Wang, Z. Lv, D. Eshel, D. S. Douches and J. Jiang (2024) Molecular dissection of an intronic enhancer governing cold-induced expression of the vacuolar invertase gene in potato. Plant Cell, koae050
Guo, H., Zhang, G., Zhou, M., Wan, M., Zhu, B., Yang, Z., Zeng, D. and Zeng, Z. (2023a) Whole genome doubling-induced the enrichment of H3K27me3 in genes carrying specific TEs in Aegilops tauschii. Front Genet, 14, 1241201.
Guo, H., Zhou, M., Zhang, G., He, L., Yan, C., Wan, M., Hu, J., He, W., Zeng, D., Zhu, B. and Zeng, Z. (2023b) Development of homozygous tetraploid potato and whole genome doubling-induced the enrichment of H3K27ac and potentially enhanced resistance to cold-induced sweetening in tubers. Hortic Res, 10, uhad017.
Jing, S., Jiang, P., Sun, X., Yu, L., Wang, E., Qin, J., Zhang, F., Prat, S. and Song, B. (2023) Long-distance control of potato storage organ formation by SELF PRUNING 3D and FLOWERING LOCUS T-like 1. Plant Commun, 4, 100547.
唐珂, 严彩虹, 朱博,曾子贤 (2023) 马铃薯淀粉代谢相关基因及其顺式调控元件的分子研究进展. 农业生物技术学报, 31, 833-843.
Wang, J., Li, X., Dong, Q., Li, C., Li, J., Li, N., Ding, B., Wang, X., Yu, Y., Wang, T., Zhang, Z., Yu, Y., Lang, M., Zeng, Z., Liu, B. and Gong, L. (2022) Chromatin architectural alterations due to null mutation of a major CG methylase in rice. J Integr Plant Biol, 64, 2396-2410.
Begum, S., Jing, S., Yu, L., Sun, X., Wang, E., Abu Kawochar, M., Qin, J., Liu, J. and Song, B. (2022) Modulation of JA signalling reveals the influence of StJAZ1-like on tuber initiation and tuber bulking in potato. Plant J, 109, 952-964.
Jing, S., Begum, S., Yu, L., Kawochar, M.A., Wang, E., Chen, Y., Zhao, J. and Song, B. (2022a) StJAZ1-like mediated root architecture plays critical roles in drought susceptibility in potato. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 202, 105008.
Jing, S., Sun, X., Yu, L., Wang, E., Cheng, Z., Liu, H., Jiang, P., Qin, J., Begum, S. and Song, B. (2022b) Transcription factor StABI5-like 1 binding to the FLOWERING LOCUS T homologs promotes early maturity in potato. Plant Physiol, 189, 1677-1693.
Wu, P., Xu, C., Chen, H., Yang, J., Zhang, X. and Zhou, S. (2021) NOVOWrap: An automated solution for plastid genome assembly and structure standardization. Mol Ecol Resour, 21, 2177-2186.
Zeng, D., Guan, J., Luo, J., Zhao, L., Li, Y., Chen, W., Zhang, L., Ning, S., Yuan, Z., Li, A., Zheng, Y., Mao, L., Liu, D. and Hao, M. (2020) A transcriptomic view of the ability of nascent hexaploid wheat to tolerate aneuploidy. BMC Plant Biol, 20, 97.
Zeng, Z.X., Zhang, W.L., Marand, A.P., Zhu, B., Buell, C.R. and Jiang, J.M. (2019) Cold stress induces enhanced chromatin accessibility and bivalent histone modifications H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 of active genes in potato. Genome Biol, 20.
Zeng, Z.X. and Jiang, J.M. (2016) Isolation and Proteomics Analysis of Barley Centromeric Chromatin Using PICh. J Proteome Res, 15, 1875-1882.
Zeng, D., Luo, J., Li, Z., Chen, G., Zhang, L., Ning, S., Yuan, Z., Zheng, Y., Hao, M. and Liu, D. (2016) High transferability of homoeolog-specific markers between bread wheat and newly synthesized hexaploid wheat lines. PloS one, 11, e0162847.
Zhu, B., Zhang, W., Zhang, T., Liu, B. and Jiang, J. (2015) Genome-Wide Prediction and Validation of Intergenic Enhancers in Arabidopsis Using Open Chromatin Signatures. Plant Cell, 27, 2415-2426.
Zhang, H., Zhu, B., Qi, B., Gou, X., Dong, Y., Xu, C., Zhang, B., Huang, W., Liu, C., Wang, X., Yang, C., Zhou, H., Kashkush, K., Feldman, M., Wendel, J.F. and Liu, B. (2014) Evolution of the BBAA component of bread wheat during its history at the allohexaploid level. Plant Cell, 26, 2761-2776.
Zeng, D.-Y., Hao, M., Luo, J.-T., Zhang, L.-Q., Yuan, Z.-W., Ning, S.-Z., Zheng, Y.-L. and Liu, D.-C. (2014) Amphitelic orientation of centromeres at metaphase I is an important feature for univalent-dependent meiotic nonreduction. Journal of genetics, 93, 531-534.
Zeng, Z.X., Zhang, T., Li, G.R., Liu, C. and Yang, Z.J. (2012) Phenotypic and Epigenetic Changes Occurred during the Autopolyploidization of Aegilops tauschii. Cereal Res Commun, 40, 476-485.
Zhao, N., Zhu, B., Li, M., Wang, L., Xu, L., Zhang, H., Zheng, S., Qi, B., Han, F. and Liu, B. (2011) Extensive and heritable epigenetic remodeling and genetic stability accompany allohexaploidization of wheat. Genetics, 188, 499-510.
Zeng, Z.X., Yang, Z.J., Liu, C., Hu, L.J. and Ren, Z.L. (2009) Isolation, mapping and application of a repetitive DNA sequence in wheat (Triticum aestivum) A and B genomes. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 6, 211-226.
· 大学生创新创业项目国家级/省级重点项目4项
· 全国大学生生命科学竞赛一等奖1项、二等奖1项、三等奖2项
· 四川省“生命之星“科技竞赛一等奖2项、